
flat cut lettering

Want your message to stand out? We can make it happen with stand out, flat cut lettering.
  • A nice painted aluminium sign with discreet side fixings, perspex lettering A nice painted aluminium sign with discreet side fixings, perspex lettering

Flat cut lettering is a simple, but effective as a way of improving your premises, shop front or interior. It’s designed to stand away from the wall and so creates a 3D effect of almost any size or design.

We can show you creative ways to use a multitude of materials for lettering, whether it’s plastic or metal in a range of finishes. One of the most effective is clear acrylic with a polished edge. The way it catches the light can be magical. Come and see us and we’ll be happy to show you!

We can produce almost any size of letter, shape or logo in any style up to 3m x 2m in a single piece - and can also mount letters on letters to create a border effect with different colours or finishes.

Looking for lettering that stands out? Get in touch.